
Resonant is the Kitware Data and Analytics team’s framework we use to create rich web applications and APIs tailored to specific kinds of data and tasks.

Core Values

Customer Intimacy

We work closely with our customers to understand their business and needs to properly model their domain in the web solutions we build for them.

Tailored Solutions

We develop custom, bespoke applications for our customers’ needs and circumstances, maximizing the chance of customer success.

Operational Efficiency

We focus on the most pressing and important problems, and we leave the more common problems to the open source software we build upon.

Software Sustainability

We value collaborative, long term, mutually beneficial customer relationships and we let that reflect in our desire to make maintainable, long-lived projects.

Key Advantages

  • Web framework with a focus on specialized (scientific) applications

  • Boilerplate decisions are made for you

  • Focus on the choices that are most relevant for your project’s requirements

  • Rich set of out-of-the box features: user management, authentication, etc.

  • File upload/download management to S3

  • Initial solutions to data processing

  • Template for front-end projects